Why It's so Important for Kids to Travel, According to Experts
Posted by Johnny W. on
My daughters and I frequently travel, so I was happy to read this article on Travel + Leisure about why it's important for kids to travel.
"We have the potential to raise a generation that knows how to live and coexist with each other."
The above from the article resonates so much with me, since the past few years so much has happened in this era of intense political polarization. Grownups have stopped trying to understand each other's differences.
Other excerpts from the article about travel says:
"... experts claim that travel can significantly boost development for a child".
"... travel can expand a kid’s world, making them more empathetic toward cultural differences..."
“Travel has the potential to create a new narrative that teaches children about the similarities with others [and] lays a strong foundation, especially in the early years...
For the full article, read it on Travel + Leisure here.